Welcome to Hollow Link!

We are an anonymous web service that specializes in email read-receipt technologies. Our highest priority is helping you determine if, and when an email you've sent has been opened by its intended recipient, or someone else.

Some use cases of our email read-receipt services include,

  • Letting you know whether or not your doctor or pharmacist has seen your calls for help.
  • Assisting you with your job search by letting you know if your job applications were read by hiring managers.
  • Trivializing the set-up of honey pots so you're notified if someone else has been reading your emails.

  1. How do I use this software?

    Please see our user guide for a step-by-step tutorial.

  2. Does HollowLink respect my privacy?

    As an emerging web service, we analyze the data generated by our users to enhance our platform and improve user experiences. It's important to note that, as part of our commitment to user privacy, we allow users to remain anonymous while utilizing our services. Consequently, the amount of data we collect about any individual user is limited.

  3. Why shouldn't I use another email read-receipt service?

    The way we approach the email read-receipt problem is fundamentally less invasive than other services. Browser extension solutions have unrestricted access to your emails, including messages, photo attachments, and contacts. On the other hand, solutions that involve altering email recipient domains, i.e changing johnsmith@example.com to johnsmith@example.com.notifyme.com, act as middle-men which have full access to the messages you send. We don't require access to your email account, or have access the messages you send. We can only know when someone has requested a transparent gif from our site.

  4. I prefer using dark themes, is there one available?

    An incredible browser extensions called Dark Reader can help with this.


Feel free to reach out to us at hollowlinkxyz@proton.me, or by filling out the contact form below.
